Freelancers, it's time to hear from you!!
Hello Friends! The last couple months have been full of excitement. We are full steam ahead on Traction Hero - and I am also building, Beledor, a highly curated online art gallery with my friend Kevin Colas. I will send out an email update soon, so please subscribe if you are interested to hear progress on either startup :)
I have had so many interesting conversations with senior level marketers around the Silicon Valley and San Francisco area and beyond. There clearly is a strong need for Traction Hero. But a huge part of our passion in building this business is really understanding what freelancers need to have a quality life. We believe the future is all about independent work, and the numbers back us up. As of October 2016, there were over 55 million independent workers in the US - 35% of the total workforce. This number is expected to grow to 43% by 2020, and many experts believe the freelance workforce to be the fastest growing component of the economy. Keep in mind that over 63% of independent workers are independent by choice - not need! Freelancers, we want to build the best possible culture for you. We have already talked to over 20 of you, but we need to hear from more people. Creatives and technical marketers and designers alike. We specifically need help from contractors who have been freelancing for at least 6 months and have experience with technology companies, agencies, and Fortune 1000 companies. Below is a survey that would really help us - it will take you 5 minutes or less - and as always, feel free to reach out to me at kate[at]